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Currently a College Student at St.Lawrence College

Friday, September 17, 2010

Opening Thoughts Outta 207

Every great writer had his or her initial piece of work.  William Shakespeare had Henry VI, Part One , his first written play around the time of 1589. Alice Munro (a famous poet from my hometown) published her book “Dance of Happy Shades “ in 1968. I’m not saying I’m anywhere remotely close to the writing style of those two immensely talented individuals, but I am saying you don’t know until you know….you know?.... William and Alice all had to start somewhere. I guess what I mean with all this is, you have to start something before you can just assume you will be a pro or not at it. Think of all the potential poets William and Alice inspired. These aspiring poets had the big vision, but just got lost in the mix with the millions of poets out there. A wise old drunkard once gave me the best advice I have ever heard “”” The only job you start at the top of is a hole”” This basically means, you must start at the bottom and work your way up. You have to start with nothing and make something out of that. An example of that is my roommate. He is an oober talent man, and he is aspiring to publish his poems. He knows he will have to accept rejection first before he can succeed. He is willing to fight tooth and nail to publish his work (which is very, very insightful). If you believe you can just start at the top, you are a fool. What does all this have to do with my blog?....well , this is my first stab at blogging.  I am just warning you I will be rusty until I get into this groove, so bare with me as a get into this!!
Keep on given’r  Terry and Deaner.

1 comment:

  1. Brandon, I love it. This is professional and thoughtful prose that remains a casual tone, which is fantastic. Good work. I look forward to reading more from you. I love the hole analogy.

    Allow me to give you a few tips to make your writing look even better:
    1. Don't indent your paragraphs in business writing such as blogs.
    2. Break your thoughts into paragraphs with spaces between them. It makes your writing look cleaner.
    3. Avoid the misspellings (albeit intentional) in the headline. It looks unprofessional, unlike your meaty prose.
