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Currently a College Student at St.Lawrence College

Saturday, September 25, 2010

This is the Land of Hell.....

Recently , I was taking out the mound of trash my roommate and I had compiled over a week . I had four bags of garbage and one bag of recyclables. As I threw the garbage into the compacter and threw the recyclables into the bin, I couldn't help but gag at the awful state the bins and the area around the compacter were. I was disgusted. It smelt , it was a haven for wasps (which is a health issue) and on top of that the recycling was spilling everywhere. To top it off, someone had the bright idea to place this eyesore right at the front of the Student Residence . YA!!! THE FRONT!!! Nothing says "Welcome to my business " like a giant wiff of the aroma of rotten garbage and a wasp buzzing around your face. Its really embarrassing. I then ventured to my computer and began searching if this garbage issue was in other businesses. In my search I found one of the most awe striking videos . I had never heard of it before which surprised me considering its importance. Its the Payatas Garbage Mountain Disaster.
Payatas is a tiny outskirt district of the "highly urbanized " Philippean metropolis "Quezon City". Payatas takes nothing but human cast-aways and Quezon City's garbage. Nothing but garbage, shantys and the lowest of low that a human can sink. They literally live in the garbage. They use it as well. Its gut-wrenching that this is going on and had been going on for a while. How can we as humans possible sleep with something like this going on? 
However, no one seems to mind. When the story broke that the mountain of garbage had killed 200 + locals, what happened? I definitely don't remember any politic fixtures making a fuss over it. Sure there are tiny no-for-profit organizations doing the best they can , but seriously? How can this being for on in a planet that is finite?.. Not INfinite? 
Just finding this story really put our garbage mountain into prespective vs the real Payatas Garbage Mountain. Our mountain is not even an mole hill compared it. Not even ant hill. We don't even live in ours either. 

Suddenly , walking through a rotten smell and a few wasps doesn't compared to actually living in it. Doesn't even come close....

Plug your nose Terry and Deaner , cause this whole situation just stinks.

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting and entertaining read—and comparison—Brandon. Good for you for taking the leap to research garbage elsewhere.

    Keep breaking up those paragraphs. They're still way too long. Try to stick to around five lines as we do in emails—eight lines max.
