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Currently a College Student at St.Lawrence College

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lest We Forget

From beginning to end, the short video for Remembrance day on You tube gripped me. The visuals were astounding and the general feel of the clip was almost eerie. All these smiling faces of to-be soldiers shipping off to war . Whether it was WW1 or WW2 or Iraq, each solider projected the same feeling through their uniforms. That feeling was pride.
What was eerie about the clip is the beginning. Did these young men and women who put their lives on the line and potentially lost their lives for us know what exactly they were getting into? I see the start with soldiers from WW1 kissing their loved ones and waving goodbye. For some of these soldiers, this would be the last glimpse of their loved ones. They would not be returning as I assume they continuously re-assured their families. Did they know the horrors of war and the barbarisms that involves war. Did they know they would be kept up at night with the fear of being killed in your sleep or the next day being your last. Did they fear the notion of "Hey, i just dug this trench all day.... will it also be my grave???"
Did they ever think that what they would eventually win (freedom) they might not ever experience again?
We as Canadians cannot thank these soldiers who fought/fight for our freedom, our rights, our ability to BE Canadians enough. They gave and are giving the ultimate price for someone who they may never meet. 
That alone speaks to the characters of these soldiers.
I never met a WW1 vet, never actually talked to a WW2 vet and I have yet to talk to someone who has served for the Maple Leaf in Iraq. 
I know for a fact that if I did or do ever met one of these individuals, I'm not sure a simple Thank You would be sufficient. I have no idea how to thank them. I am forever in their debt....
But remembering is a very good start.....

Never forget Terry and Deaner....

1 comment:

  1. This is a fantastic piece of writing, Brandon. You are a powerful writer. I hope you keep up the blog after this class ends. Let me know if you want help reaching out for readers.

    Allow me to provide a couple of quick tips to improve the readability of your prose:
    1. Put a space between your paragraphs to create a rest for the eyes (white space).
    2. Watch your capitalization on Youtube and Remembrance Day. All names and titles should be capitalized.
    3. Do you diminish your powerful message with the mention of the Fubar characters? Maybe, with such a serious, heartfelt topic, they should be left out this once?
