We all have been There before. We all have witnessed someone being There. What exactly is "There" you wonder? Well , it is the point when your body has consumed a bit too much alcohol and you travel from Here to what I call "There".
There are a lot of signs alerting you that you have just crossed over to "There" or you have another drink before "There" pops up on the horizon. Sometimes, There creeps up on you and before you know it Here is gone and you have entered the city limits of There.
Next time you are out and about having a good time, keep an I out for these five key signs that you or somebody is "on the way" to There:
1)Each drink gets drank quicker and quicker and for some odd reason , they taste sooooo much better.
2)The messages on your cellphone can only be read by covering one eye or squinting.
3)Somebody seemed to have painted a perma-smile on your face.
4)Every song that comes on, is a karaoke song to you and you think you can dance. (FYI- you can't)
5)A breeze is rolling through since you are swaying back and forth and find it hard to stand straight.
Now that we can see that you or the somebody is almost There, here are the five key signs to watch for to let you now you have official arrived to "There":
1)Your drink seems to be covered in soap because you can't hold onto it. (Constant drops and the occasional smash)
2)The stain on the front of you is from missing your mouth and dumping it on your shirt.
3)You become irritable and the liquid courage makes you feel like Brock Lesner.
4) Each text you send is in cryptic code (e.g. dfohsd 5683 %$es djdsk == hey, how are you tonight?)
5) The room flips upside down and your face is welcomed by the floor.
Its not necessarily always going to happen, but when you choose to leave Here and go to There, it inevitable that these sign will appear. Just like the Party Profiler, keep and eye out for these sign next time and try not to go "There". It's a lonely desolate island out There.
Terry and Deaner, I'll be "There" in ten ok?....
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