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Currently a College Student at St.Lawrence College

Monday, December 13, 2010


I remember way back in my early childhood that I got taught to say "Merry Christmas" as a salutation as the Holiday season neared and when it had arrived. As you know, I am in Kingston attending St. Lawrence College and as the Holiday season approached there, something strange arose and made me stand back and say "Wait a minute..".

I was in my truck, getting ready to leave Kingston and return home. I was scanning the radio stations and to no ones surprise all the Christmas commercials were in full swing. However, at the end of a majority of them, it concludes with
"Happy Holidays and Have a safe and Happy New Year"

Not one single ad I heard from Kingston to Port Hope said anything remotely along the lines of : "Merry Christmas".
Even signs I seen on the way had condensed Christmas to "Xmas". I find myself even doing the same in writing or texting. 

What happened to Christmas?

Maybe it is that I have grown up and have a more grown up view on Christmas but really.. where did Christmas go?
Is it because of Canada's large multi-cultural community that has changed the way we as Canadians celebrate?
Just because you may be an Immigrant and you celebrate Christmas different or don't even celebrate it at all that we as a society should totally eliminate "Merry Christmas" and "Christmas" in general from our rituals.

I guess my point in all this is ...
What is next?
Will we be eventually celebrating "Xmas" soon? or will it be generalized and changed into something else so everyone can conform and be equal. 

I am all for everyone having their own rights and I am all for Canada excepting all these Immigrants. However, this issue is just a microcosm of a bigger problem. Everyone has their own right to celebrate or not to celebrate Christmas. I can remember all the way back about 10-12 years and I still can see TV commercials that ended with "Merry Christmas".

What happened in that time that has evolved Christmas to Xmas and just plain Happy Holidays?

Merry Birth-mas Terry and Deaner

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