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Currently a College Student at St.Lawrence College

Monday, November 1, 2010

Party Profiler

This past weekend I came to a conclusion. Within the fundamentals of a party and at the nucleus, there are a few key components that pop up on a reoccurring basis. These components are not necessarily welcomed or cherished, but the party always has them. Sometimes they may not all be evident but

*Prime Location--> Can't be to cold/hot and must be large enough to make your guests feel welcomed
*Unreal Tunes--> Every party needs beats...
*The "D" Floor--> The people got to dance...

*The DJ--> He stands by the stereo and spins his ipod and cranks out unreal tunes
*The "That Guy"--> No body knows who he is or how he got there. Just referred to as "That Guy"
*Drunk Crying Girl--> Nothing makes a night complete more than a stumbling mascara-smeared  girl looking for her BlackBerry. Very belligerent and non-compromising.
*The Creeper--> Can be either male or female. Constantly looking for affection in an over-zealous way. Often very touchy-feely and whispers creepy stuff. Also gets caught starring.
*The Cling-on--> Will not leave particular person alone all night.  Pops up at very awkward times.
*The "I just broke up with my boyfriend" Girl--> Very tough to read emotions: a Roller-coaster. Usually looking for "companion" or a shoulder to cry on and an ear to fill.
*The Buzz-killington--> Just generally wrecks any hope of fun in any possible way.
*The Clown--> Has a story for everything and everyone listens. Usually funny appearance or voice as well. Roars of laughter is the fuel.
*The Wanna-be Clown-->Totally opposite of above. Just gets rejected on every story. Eventually quits.
*The Ted Mosby-->  The nice guy at the party dealing with any of the girl problems. Always gets hug but nothing else. Could be a push-over.
The Marshall and Lily--> A couple who never leaves each others' sides. Leave early.
*The What the hell was he/she thinkin?--> Any person doing any action in which a group of people witness and ask "What the hell was he/she thinkin??!!!"
*The "Who is she with tonight?"--> Refers to a girl who seems to be "gettin close with" quite a few of the fellas.
*"This party blows and I just want to text" Girl--> Plays brick breaker and is a constant headache. Prolific complainer and hostile.
*The stinky guy--> No explanation needed.
*The Wiggs--> Trying to hard to dance and believing his/she is the next Jason Derulo
*The Bombshell--> The girl that makes your jaw hit the floor out of stunning looks
*The Paint Can--> To much make-up. Enough said.
*The "Hey guys, whats going on over here?"--> He bounces from group to group of guys and consistently wants to get into the conversation. Usually told to go grab beer.
*The "Your shirt was bought at Baby-Gap, there is too much gel in your fo-hawk and no one likes your barb-wire tattoo on your bicep" Juice Monkey--> Again.. enough said.
*The Scrapper--> Only came to tilt and try to show off to the girls. Trying to be a bad-ass.
*One and Done--> Has one drink, and is automatically into a drunken stupor.
*The Tanker--> Polishes off pint after pint after pint....after pint after pint after pint...drink. fill. repeat.
*The Life of the Party--> Every one loves this person. Can't get through crowd without a crowd chanting in favour of him and giving him fist pounds.

So whats a ""TERRY AND DEANER??""....

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