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Currently a College Student at St.Lawrence College

Thursday, October 28, 2010

King James

"What's your plan, man?" is what I would love to ask Lebron James. No I don't follow basketball and I don't like the sport anyway. Sure I'll play with some buddies or shoot hoops and just goof off, but I don't care for the sport nor it's athletes. Case in point- Lebron's most recent Nike Ad.

I was so confused at this Ad. What is the angle he wants to hit? 
Stick his nose higher into the air and snuff more fans? 
Or is it a shot at all his haters (the fans of his former team- Cleveland Cavaliers). 
Or is it his sick way of trying to please the public? 
Or is it him just being a stuck up over-paid athlete who needs an ego boost? 
It was a very poorly done Ad in my view.

He continually asks "What should I do?" as if to show " Ya, I ll listen to your comments but really, this is just a sarcastic remark and I don't give a s**t what you say. I am me . Love it or lump it". That's what I get out of this Ad. But, is that supposed to be the message? 

Honestly, Nike has made some sick commercials in the past that have really got my attention in a great way. To this commercials credit, the screen play was extraordinary and was the only thing I liked about it.

But maybe since this is basketball, it doesn't connect properly to me. Nonetheless, no one should be left confused by the wrong reasons by an Ad. Sometimes confusion is good and that's the goal. My gut tells me confusion wasn't the goal what was it?

Definitely an Ally-""OOOOPS"" eh Terry and Deaner....

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