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Currently a College Student at St.Lawrence College

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Second Sleep Scheme

Have you ever woke up to the feeling of "Thomas the Tank Engine" choo-chooing through your skull? Or you find yourself over tired still and you have no energy? How about you just don't feel like rolling your lazy butt out of the warm confines of your bed?

I have the remedy for you. 
It doesn't come in a flashy can, it's not a pill and you most definitely don't eat it.

It's called the "Second Sleep Scheme".

To explain it, it's more less a way to get "second" wind. You wake yourself up earlier than you need to when you know you will feel like crap in the morning or when ever. (i.e hangover or sickness). For me, when I wake up feeling like I went 3 1/2 rounds with a Wachootoo Witch doctor with Cinder blocks on his hands I know my "engine" will take some time to warm up . When I hit that alarm to shut it off, I go back into my sleep. Then when my real alarm goes off, I wake up feeling a million times better.
I wish I could explain the science behind it but the official test results aren't in until next month. Even if it is for a general sickness. Try it out. Wake up earlier than you need to, go back to sleep and then when you awake at the time you need to, you will feel a lot better.
Maybe it is just me that this scheme applies to, but give it a go.

Sleep tight Terry and Deaner...

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