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Currently a College Student at St.Lawrence College

Saturday, October 23, 2010

As Billy Squire would say.. "Lonley is the night"

Of all the moaning and groaning you here today about our planet's cities, it's usually about expansion. The need to grow your city by another cookie-cutter subdivision or adding the o-so-necessary Wal-Mart. How about we stop thinking about the new and think of the old for a moment. Maybe think about some of the forgotten cities or areas and not worry about pushing the city limit sign.

I was watching a show called "Destination Truth" online this afternoon and came across one of the shows on Prypiat. It is the abandoned city in the Ukraine from the Chernobyl accident. Chernobyl was a nuclear power plant that had a reactor blow and contaminate a 30 km radius with toxic radiation. The town's folk were evacuated and given new homes in new towns. To this day, the town remains a Ghost Town

I began searching to see if there are any other are any other towns or areas in this world similar to Pypriat. 

Wow. There is a list dedicated to this!

Some of these pictures are stunning. Absolutely unreal. From rotting buildings stuck in time to children's toys long forgotten by their previous owners these towns seem to all have a unique but yet unified theme. Abandonment. These images sparked almost an eerieness in them as well. Its tough to imagine we as humans can just pack up and leave an area and totally forget about it. However, a few of these areas had to be deserted for specific reasons that are very understandable but it's crazy that we could do that.

Consider the would be tourist town of SanZhi. It was to be Taiwan's hustle and bustle and bring in thousands of tourists yearly. 

But nope.

Strange and abnormal events led to the "pod city" to never be opened.
It now is time's problem. Not ours.

Years from now we will look back at these abandoned wonders and be sorry. Wasted money. Wasted Time. Wasted space.

So, searching this list, I decided before my time expires on this Earth, I want to visit these Ghost Town. I want to feel the seclusion and loneliness those walls and areas have to feel every minute of every day. Just picture yourself in a town all to your self and no one is around. At all. I want to visit these areas. I got to know the feeling a Ghost Town gives you.'s possible to get up and leave something (i.e a city), but don't let that thing leave you.

Don't worry ... we'll never abandon you Terry and Deaner....

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