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Currently a College Student at St.Lawrence College

Friday, October 15, 2010

Death by Fire?????????

I'm dreary, I'm somewhat half asleep still and I'm just scanning the internet. I'm hunting for an article to help me in another project and BAMMM!!!.. what should pop up? An ad for a new series about something really compelling and completely jaw-dropping.Death by Fire????

His name was Cameron Todd Willingham. He was only 36. He was a husband and a father of 3 daughters. He was killed by lethal injection on February 17,  2004 for a crime he did not commit.

What crime? Murder...

As the ad shows, he apparently set fire to his house killing his 3 daughters inside. He escaped unscathed but was immediately questioned. Everyone thought it was a huge ploy to kill his daughters to hide child abuse. However, he and his wife(who was shopping at the tine of the blaze) stood fast to never ever harming their children. The trial dragged on and on and on, until finally he was incarcerated for life while receiving the death penalty.

 Wouldn't you think hearing the screams of your burning children be enough punishment? He had to live through his final days as a human knowing his daughters died and he could do absolutely nothing. I think that is a "penalty" no goof behind a bench or white trash jurors could ever dish out. Then on top of that, his wife turned her back on him while he was in jail. She publicly stated that his innocence plea was a

Isn't our society "innocent until proven guilty"?....

or is it "guilty until proven innocent"?

Try to look through the smoke and mirrors Terry and Deaner...

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