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Currently a College Student at St.Lawrence College

Monday, October 18, 2010

The engine is runnin, but there's nobody behind the wheel

I was driving along a major road to the grocery store to get me some peach juice. I had the biggest hankering for peach juice so I hopped in my truck and took off. As I began passing cars, a woman passed me on the right and she was crying buckets. She was driving her rusted Miata like a shopping cart running errant across a parking lot. Then, at the following stop lights, the car I was beside had a buddy belting out a techno song while he sang at the top of his lungs. I got to thinking, of all the cars I pass when I'm driving... whats the story going on behind the wheel?

For me, I was just a bored college kid hankering for some sugar water. Whats the other stories going on?

Maybe... a business man late for a meeting while devouring his BLT trying to check his email on his b-berry?

Maybe... single mother racing to her second job to make ends meet. All the while, wondering if lil johnny got home safe from school?

Maybe.. a flustered couple in the middle of a week long argument with no noise but the chatter of the radio?

Maybe... that guy who you let merge ahead of you will hit a car load of inner-city basketball stars . What if you didn't let him merge? What if you were destined to hit them and your act of courtesy altered fate?

I guess what I mean is, what is everyone's story. What if I could somehow "change lanes" and understand one person at one particular moment? Why are they in a rush? Why are they so happy? What if I could do something in a moment different and alter a million years of fate. Some may say everything is already written and were just living a story that's destined to happen anyway... but what if every moment changes things. Maybe the little thing are the most important. Just maybe.

Drive safe Terry and Deaner...

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