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Currently a College Student at St.Lawrence College

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Welcome to the..."i JAIL"

Picture this.....
"Who in this class can't live without your cellphone or computer/internet??" Hands shoot up across the room.....

This was the sight in one of my Advertising classes this semester . I was absolutely rattled. Is our Generation that dependent on such technologies that we claim we " can't live without them??"  I may be guilty in the fact that I like using them , but I would never say I couldn't live without the two. These technologies aren't my two lungs! C'mon people !

This then got me to thinking. How could I bring to light the fact of our complete and udder dependency on such things? The movie "Super Size Me !" came into my mind. The documentary followed Morgan Spurlock's quest to just live off McDonald's food for a complete month. The outcome was .. well.. I won't play spoiler to anyone who hasn't seen it.  Morgan's journey really opened the general publics'' eyes to how much of an influence McDonald's actual has. This movie created many waves and quite the buzz surrounding the topic of fast food in our world.

So, is there a way I could somehow create a "buzz" around the topic of dependency on cell phones and computers/internet? 

Yes. Yes there is.

I came up with the idea of locking myself in a room and video tapping/vlogging my actions/thoughts over a month. The room would have one tiny window. One door. In the corner would be a shower and toilet. I would have one desk in the middle with only a computer on it . Nothing else. In my hand would be a cellphone . With it would be its charger and nothing else. I would say I could live in this room for a month using only my cellphone and computer/internet to accommodate my daily needs. Crazy eh?

I would have to phone in for food, order toiletries online somehow and somehow just live with my cellphone and computer/internet. Hey, apparently we can't live without them correct? So how about just having those two things and nothing else. Imagine the world I would have in that "jail cell".

When you think about this, it may sound insane to you. Think harder, is it that insane...or the fact that we think technology is a necessity even more insane. I like to think  I could make this project a reality. I would just need a free month and a room for solitary confinement!! Maybe it could be a way to raise funds? Who knows? People still talk about "Super Size Me!" to this day. Maybe I could make this project have the affect that documentary did. That would be awesome.

Terry and Deaner are up to the challenge....are you?

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