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Currently a College Student at St.Lawrence College

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thought Timeline

The keyboard was starring back at me. It was laughing and heckling me , err-king me to just start typing. However, I couldn't. It was a strange feeling I have not felt since doing my Gr 7 public speech on the NHL Awards. Thanks Mom. (You know what I mean!)
I had all sorts of ideas floating between my ears waiting to be put through the keyboard. I just couldn't write!
So, I came up with an idea. I left my blog open all day and made notes in my phone about all my noteworthy thoughts from yesterday. You know how you think of something for about 25 seconds then forget about it the very next minute? Well, from all my notes on my phone and the random stuff I thought about, I was stunned to see how the crazy the human mind works. Some of this stuff I have no idea how it popped into my head!
So, from start to finish, here was my noteworthy thoughts from December 3rd 2010:
(**needless to say, I had to do some screening on my thoughts for the reason know**)

10:37 AM-   How much hairspray was actually used in the 80's.. for both sexes?
10:52 AM-   Cucumber is dirty sounding word.
11:01 AM-   Did Super-Man have a brother? How many African-American super-heroes are there?
11:43 AM-   Who came up with the name "Gatorade"?
12:27 PM-    Snooze buttons may play a role in the demise of Civilization.You heard it here first.
12:44 PM-    Kingston weather blows....when will I see snow!!
1:02   PM-    Ritz crackers taste so good with apple juice.
1:33   PM-    Where exactly does the "Red fern Grow"?
1:59   PM-    China has 138 cities with a population between 1 and 2 million.
3:30   PM-    I have had re-occurring dreams on a plane. 
3:41   PM-   Staple companies got it made.
4:01   PM-   I think I would look pretty cool with a handle bar mustache.
4:16   PM-   What was Hextall thinking while he was filling Chelios' face in?
4:56   PM-    How many NHLers are booze-hounds.
5:23   PM-    Pretty sure Cafe food could strip paint off a car its so toxic.
6:01   PM-   Alex Trebek is Canada's secret weapon.
6:19   PM-   I hate Double Jeopardy's music.
8:00   PM-   Cat naps should be a class. I would ace it.
8:10   PM-   PBR + BeerPong= .......
8:39   PM-  I should have eaten more. Chicken burger burps taste similar to a dirty old sock.
9:00   PM-  Some girls can pull off a V-Neck, some can't, and some just shouldn't.
9:20   PM-  Since as far back I can remember, I always see 9:20 for some reason. Creepy....
9:46   PM-  When Beer pong makes you sweat, you are officially a college student... or out of shape??
10:00 PM-  If i could do any job, it would be a timekeeper for NHL.
10:17 PM-  What is a minyak...
10:45 PM-  Things are easier but yet harder when your drinking.
11:00 PM-   If you go to a dump, you'll come home with trash.
11:19 PM-   Its not a coincidence that she texted me right now.
12:00 PM-  Happy New Year!!! Joking, just practicing...
1:45   PM-  Particle board should not be used to stop hockey pucks. Thats what a little brother is for.
1:58   PM-  When will the folks replace the garage door?
2:31   PM-  Shoe laces are not just a hassle, but just generally constricting.

As you can see, my thoughts seem to bounce around from topic to topic and some are pretty out there.
Maybe I will answer some of these questions today because we all know:
"There is no such thing as a stupid question!"

Keep that in mind Terry and Deaner.

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