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Currently a College Student at St.Lawrence College

Monday, November 29, 2010

Hockey Heals

It could be on the pond, out in the drive way or in front of a roaring home crowd on Friday night. It could be an exhibition game , mini-sticks in the hotel hallway, on XBOX, Game 7 in triple O.T or just something to do. Hockey comes in all shapes and forms but no matter what form it is partaken in, it has the healing power that trumps any medicine.

I was feeling the groggy effects of the night prior which seen me go to bed around 3am. I was at the rink by 8 am and needless to say, I was in rough shape. The beer and garbage pizza were still heavy on my breath and I smelt like the business end of a skunk.

Walking onto the ice after struggling with the getting dressed part, I took one stride and POW... I was normal.
I fired the diskette and casually glided around the ice all the while grinning ear to ear and feeling like a million bucks.
I just love the game. It has a mysterious power over me to make the whole world disappear . It makes me only focus on beating the dust-bin wearing the Canadian Tire Bubble Special bucky with BOA skates on the point. Geeeezzz, one head fake and his ankeys are toast....


My pounding headache and my stale beer breath are non factors...
The five projects due next week are no longer on my mind...
What is going to happen after the game is no longer on my mind...
Surprisingly, that girl ....isn't on my mind.(But still kind of)....HAHA

All this is replaced with sick dangys and unreal toe-skis to be put before going top bunk on the tendy at the far end. 
I can't explain it but I would love to somehow...but can't. It happens every time. I love playing any form of puck. It doesn't have to be on ice. Playing road puck is often even more intense and fun than playing on ice. Even creating a GM Mode on NHL 10 has this effect. 
I honestly think I get a bigger and better kick out of the feeling of just playing puck than the actual game. It's hard to explain... 
Nonetheless, hockey heals...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Good Ol' Switcharoo

Here is the thing. You are given the opportunity of a life time to switch entities with anyone of your chose for a day. This person can be living or dead and the boundary for your selection of the person is endless. It could be your dog, your noisy neighbor or that punk who smashed your mailbox this past month.

You do not control them but you are more less a passenger or ghost to witness their day. They are in complete control of their actions and you are just there to watch. We all know you cannot change history or the future will be altered beyond your wildest imagination. We have seen the affects of this in movies like Back to the Future (Micheal J. Fox is a king) Terminator 1, 2 (not 3, since it blew chunks) and The Butterfly Affect (yes, surpsingly Ashton made a movie worth watching). 
So, the burning question for you is "Who would you choose?"

Personally, my choice would be to watch and stand back in awe of Josef Stalin
Every since doing my Gr. 11 history project on him, I have be fascinated on what barbarisms he instilled on his people and what he did to get to his stature. 

Many people view Hitler as the most evil man in history for his Genocide on the Jewish people. His actions were terrible and absolutely disgusting. Or, some view Mao-Ze Dong of China as the evilest man in history. The arguments are vast and each and every man was terrible in their own right. 

Why Stalin you ask? The man was the definition of evil to me. He purged his country and starved millions (records show he killed up to 60 million people in his tenure). He killed anyone in his way and if they didn't die, they disappeared or wound up taking a vacation to Gulag camp. Their families were never safe and everyone played by his rules or else it was game over for them.

I would just love to see exactly how someone could do such evil and live with themselves. I would love to float beside him as a ghost and just see how his days went. While he would be munching on a steak, his people were fighting over potatoes day in and day out just to live. 

Just to see Josef Stalin at work would be amazing. I would just like to know how he did it all.
Or, maybe I don't want to know?....

До свидания товарищей   Terry and Deaner!!!!

When have I had too much?

We all have been There before. We all have witnessed someone being There. What exactly is "There" you wonder? Well , it is the point when your body has consumed a bit too much alcohol and you travel from Here to what I call "There".
There are a lot of signs alerting you that you have just crossed over to "There" or you have another drink before "There" pops up on the horizon. Sometimes, There creeps up on you and before you know it Here is gone and you have entered the city limits of There. 

Next time you are out and about having a good time, keep an I out for these five key signs that you or somebody is "on the way" to There:

1)Each drink gets drank quicker and quicker and for some odd reason , they taste sooooo much better.
2)The messages on your cellphone can only be read by covering one eye or squinting.
3)Somebody seemed to have painted a perma-smile on your face.
4)Every song that comes on, is a karaoke song to you and you think you can dance. (FYI- you can't)
5)A breeze is rolling through since you are swaying back and forth and find it hard to stand straight.

Now that we can see that you or the somebody is almost There, here are the five key signs to watch for to let you now you have official arrived to "There":

1)Your drink seems to be covered in soap because you can't hold onto it. (Constant drops and the occasional smash)
2)The stain on the front of you is from missing your mouth and dumping it on your shirt.
3)You become irritable and the liquid courage makes you feel like Brock Lesner.
4) Each text you send is in cryptic code (e.g. dfohsd  5683  %$es djdsk     ==       hey, how are you tonight?)
5) The room flips upside down and your face is welcomed by the floor.

Its not necessarily always going to happen, but when you choose to leave Here and go to There, it inevitable that these sign will appear. Just like the Party Profiler, keep and eye out for these sign next time and try not to go "There". It's a lonely desolate island out There.

Terry and Deaner, I'll be "There" in ten ok?....

Thursday, November 18, 2010

If these walls could talk...

Its bumpy, its slightly dis-coloured and has a few unidentifiable stains here and there.
No, its not the rock hard miniature mattress that the Rez supplies and expects us to sleep on.
Its my walls in 207.

They are cold, they are cream-coloured more less and they probably have seen it all.
So, I think, what if they could talk?

It would be like having a constant guardian in your room and having that second voice of reason as well. On top of that, the walls would have some unreal stories that you would want to or not want to hear. It would also just give you the stone cold truth and let you know whether that dance party last night was a bumpin as you thought.

Just think of the stories though. What have these walls seen and is it better than the 207 residents now. Are my roommate and I continuing a long tradition of having a fine time and just meeting new people. Or was this room last couple of years full of C.O.D'ers and shut ins?

I'm pretty sure that these walls have tons of knowledge that binds them together like a constricting tar. I know for a fact that they have seen some things this year that I would love them to pass on to the next 207 residents.
And then there are something I wouldn't. But lets not go there.

Next time you enter a room, or your room, think what the history lies in the crappy wall paper and ask yourself 
"What if these walls could talk?"

Its a figure of speech Terry and Deaner... they won't reply no matter how hard you yell at them!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lest We Forget

From beginning to end, the short video for Remembrance day on You tube gripped me. The visuals were astounding and the general feel of the clip was almost eerie. All these smiling faces of to-be soldiers shipping off to war . Whether it was WW1 or WW2 or Iraq, each solider projected the same feeling through their uniforms. That feeling was pride.
What was eerie about the clip is the beginning. Did these young men and women who put their lives on the line and potentially lost their lives for us know what exactly they were getting into? I see the start with soldiers from WW1 kissing their loved ones and waving goodbye. For some of these soldiers, this would be the last glimpse of their loved ones. They would not be returning as I assume they continuously re-assured their families. Did they know the horrors of war and the barbarisms that involves war. Did they know they would be kept up at night with the fear of being killed in your sleep or the next day being your last. Did they fear the notion of "Hey, i just dug this trench all day.... will it also be my grave???"
Did they ever think that what they would eventually win (freedom) they might not ever experience again?
We as Canadians cannot thank these soldiers who fought/fight for our freedom, our rights, our ability to BE Canadians enough. They gave and are giving the ultimate price for someone who they may never meet. 
That alone speaks to the characters of these soldiers.
I never met a WW1 vet, never actually talked to a WW2 vet and I have yet to talk to someone who has served for the Maple Leaf in Iraq. 
I know for a fact that if I did or do ever met one of these individuals, I'm not sure a simple Thank You would be sufficient. I have no idea how to thank them. I am forever in their debt....
But remembering is a very good start.....

Never forget Terry and Deaner....

Monday, November 8, 2010

Now that's a Classic

 It was a '72 Chevy El Camino. It was severely rusted around every corner, it had rust-pitted rims, its paint job was either snot green or puke yellow which was put on my spray can or by brush and by the looks of the interior, Hurricane Earl hit shore right on the leather bench seat. Every window was covered in a thin film of dust and even the FOR SALE  1000.00$ O.B.O sign seemed to have collected dust from days gone past. My friend looks to me and says.." Now THAT'S a classic car".

Yes, El Caminos are what we as a society refer to as classics. But, what else besides cars from previous generations are notable classics?

Records/45 players/Cassettes?
Milk Delivery Guy?
Montreal Expo Buildings?

The El Camino really made me ponder. What objects in my lifetime that are seen as "cutting edge" and "hi-tech" will develop into a "classic". I know our day in age is very heavy on development in all aspects of life, but, what will make what into a classic? 

With all the new buildings in Dubai being erected, will the CN Tower be a classic soon? With all the "avatar" and online experiences being developed, will human contact be a classic? 
Will the Human race soon develop into a "classic" and fall backseat to "something" else?
Maybe I'm just getting ahead of myself with all this talk, but consider how far we have come since our '72 Chevy El Camino. Half-truck-half-car?... come on. Unheard of back then. It happened though. We created it with our own mind and thoughts.
Maybe even thinking on our own and creating our own thoughts will turn into a "classic"?????

We all know Terry and Deaner are classics....

Monday, November 1, 2010

Party Profiler

This past weekend I came to a conclusion. Within the fundamentals of a party and at the nucleus, there are a few key components that pop up on a reoccurring basis. These components are not necessarily welcomed or cherished, but the party always has them. Sometimes they may not all be evident but

*Prime Location--> Can't be to cold/hot and must be large enough to make your guests feel welcomed
*Unreal Tunes--> Every party needs beats...
*The "D" Floor--> The people got to dance...

*The DJ--> He stands by the stereo and spins his ipod and cranks out unreal tunes
*The "That Guy"--> No body knows who he is or how he got there. Just referred to as "That Guy"
*Drunk Crying Girl--> Nothing makes a night complete more than a stumbling mascara-smeared  girl looking for her BlackBerry. Very belligerent and non-compromising.
*The Creeper--> Can be either male or female. Constantly looking for affection in an over-zealous way. Often very touchy-feely and whispers creepy stuff. Also gets caught starring.
*The Cling-on--> Will not leave particular person alone all night.  Pops up at very awkward times.
*The "I just broke up with my boyfriend" Girl--> Very tough to read emotions: a Roller-coaster. Usually looking for "companion" or a shoulder to cry on and an ear to fill.
*The Buzz-killington--> Just generally wrecks any hope of fun in any possible way.
*The Clown--> Has a story for everything and everyone listens. Usually funny appearance or voice as well. Roars of laughter is the fuel.
*The Wanna-be Clown-->Totally opposite of above. Just gets rejected on every story. Eventually quits.
*The Ted Mosby-->  The nice guy at the party dealing with any of the girl problems. Always gets hug but nothing else. Could be a push-over.
The Marshall and Lily--> A couple who never leaves each others' sides. Leave early.
*The What the hell was he/she thinkin?--> Any person doing any action in which a group of people witness and ask "What the hell was he/she thinkin??!!!"
*The "Who is she with tonight?"--> Refers to a girl who seems to be "gettin close with" quite a few of the fellas.
*"This party blows and I just want to text" Girl--> Plays brick breaker and is a constant headache. Prolific complainer and hostile.
*The stinky guy--> No explanation needed.
*The Wiggs--> Trying to hard to dance and believing his/she is the next Jason Derulo
*The Bombshell--> The girl that makes your jaw hit the floor out of stunning looks
*The Paint Can--> To much make-up. Enough said.
*The "Hey guys, whats going on over here?"--> He bounces from group to group of guys and consistently wants to get into the conversation. Usually told to go grab beer.
*The "Your shirt was bought at Baby-Gap, there is too much gel in your fo-hawk and no one likes your barb-wire tattoo on your bicep" Juice Monkey--> Again.. enough said.
*The Scrapper--> Only came to tilt and try to show off to the girls. Trying to be a bad-ass.
*One and Done--> Has one drink, and is automatically into a drunken stupor.
*The Tanker--> Polishes off pint after pint after pint....after pint after pint after pint...drink. fill. repeat.
*The Life of the Party--> Every one loves this person. Can't get through crowd without a crowd chanting in favour of him and giving him fist pounds.

So whats a ""TERRY AND DEANER??""....