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Currently a College Student at St.Lawrence College

Sunday, January 30, 2011

You're Hired

Out of all the jobs this planet has, you have to know whether you have a good one or not. You could be a lion tamer or a monkey trainer but if YOU don't enjoy your job, then your job sucks. Personally, I have a few preferences of the ultimate jobs that I would love to have as my title. On the flipside, there are a handful of ones I would dread going to day in day out. I want to have a job thats more of a "hobby". I don't want to see it as a job per-say. With that said, I have rounded up my top choices to 5. (No particular order or rank)

1) National Geographic Narrator-
Seriously, have you heard these guys talk. They could ramble on about a Himalayan mountain goat and still make it sound interesting. They just read a card with their sick sounding, often British-tinged accent. All you would have to do is to speak into a mike and that's it. Also, it would be unreal to pick up at a bar/party. Girls would dig the smooth talk coming from a voice like that. "I have been on T.V" also would fit here ahha

2) Back Up NHL/Soccer Goalie-
You play a 8th of what your starter does and you get the same perks more less that he does. You don't have any pressure since you don't make the big contract like the number 1 guy. You can be a hero on any night and you can be a 15 minute celebrity. All in all, sure you're in someones shadow, but that is out-weighed by the perks.

3)NHL TV Timeout/ShootOut Ice Scrapper-
Again, no pressure here. You actually get paid to watch a hockey game. You could have a beer or two and then scrape the ice for 30 seconds. You also would be around all the big NHL stars too so that could serve a purpose on many levels. If you get a sweet bunch of co-workers, it could be a great work environment.

4)Museum guy with the white gloves and odd looking tux-
I'm not sure exactly what this guys title would be but it would be something like Professor or Dignitary. You walk around the museum with all the stuck up people and you talk crap about art. You also move/align the painting or what not and you get the honour of saying, "Behind the velvet rope mad'am. Don't touch the painting sir. The washroom is around the corner". You could also be a huge creeper and see how long you could keep your job. Be the best at being the "who is that in the background of the picture" guy. Fun stuff could occur.

5)Wine Tester-
You get free wine. You get free cheese. You could get a "free" anything here. The possibilities are endless. You get an unreal suit and you could get sick business cards and just mingle with the folks. One occasion, you could be Bert Stamsford from Hollyrood. The next event, you could be Dr. James Chow. Think of the things you could do. I think i smell a new movie with this premise.... coming soon

So, there you go, my top 5 jobs. Look out for me!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

This is the Year

We coast through our calender years in a blink of an eye. One sneeze and it goes from 2010 to 2011... One minute your making snow forts at recess and the next minute your stumbling out of your buddies bachelor party. We slide through not only months and seasons but days, minutes/seconds and give it little thought. We take for granted that we will "do it next week" or "do it tomorrow". We procrastinate and assume that we have all the time in the world. We just think nothing of it. Tiny little special moments go unnoticed and unappreciated.
But take that away. What if it's not all going to be there tomorrow? What sort of impact will you have left behind. What will you be remembered for? Good or bad? What were your last words to the people you love? Will you have JUST lived your life or did you REALLY live your life?
Think about it.
It is a guarantee that our time will expire. So when it does, will you have done all you wanted?
So next time you put off doing something think about the cancer patient in the Children's wing who may not have a chance to "do it next week or next year".
Just do it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Play for Smiles

It was the last place I thought I would be on my Christmas Break. I was watching my little brother in Drayton on a Monday afternoon as his team and him battled other Midget Local League teams for domination and the rights to say they won the "prestigious" tournament. Before his team's final game in the B Finals, the A semis was on. Two teams were hacking and whacking away at each other and neither team had anyone who could skate worth a damn. The parents were shouting and screaming and the kids were all out for blood. 

I was disgusted. The parents were beaking back and forth and the tension was overwhelming. It was a powder-keg looking to blow up. Every hit and every goal was to "beat" the other team. Not to win as a team.. it was not to lose to the other team.

Maybe you can call me a "wussy" or any other term you can think of but really, that kind of hockey to me is sickening. When the parents want it more than the kid and the kids are only out there to prove something to Dad and Mom, I pity that. Kids shouldn't have to prove anything on the ice to their parents. 

There is more to life than just hockey. Sure, people can make one hell of a living off the game but really, you think Lil Johnny is in Drayton playing Midget Local League is going to become the next phenom of hockey? Will he go to the NHL? 

Why not just keep your mouth shut in the stands and let your kid play the way he wants. Sip your Timmy's cup and cheer for goals and saves and good plays. Don't be screaming and yelling at big hits or injuries. Don't be cheering against the kids...cheer with them.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for passionate fans and I love to cheer to... but when it comes to parents "moulding" their child to hurt and play for the parent and not themselves is a crying shame. Let Lil Johnny play with the smile from the joy of the game.

Monday, December 13, 2010


I remember way back in my early childhood that I got taught to say "Merry Christmas" as a salutation as the Holiday season neared and when it had arrived. As you know, I am in Kingston attending St. Lawrence College and as the Holiday season approached there, something strange arose and made me stand back and say "Wait a minute..".

I was in my truck, getting ready to leave Kingston and return home. I was scanning the radio stations and to no ones surprise all the Christmas commercials were in full swing. However, at the end of a majority of them, it concludes with
"Happy Holidays and Have a safe and Happy New Year"

Not one single ad I heard from Kingston to Port Hope said anything remotely along the lines of : "Merry Christmas".
Even signs I seen on the way had condensed Christmas to "Xmas". I find myself even doing the same in writing or texting. 

What happened to Christmas?

Maybe it is that I have grown up and have a more grown up view on Christmas but really.. where did Christmas go?
Is it because of Canada's large multi-cultural community that has changed the way we as Canadians celebrate?
Just because you may be an Immigrant and you celebrate Christmas different or don't even celebrate it at all that we as a society should totally eliminate "Merry Christmas" and "Christmas" in general from our rituals.

I guess my point in all this is ...
What is next?
Will we be eventually celebrating "Xmas" soon? or will it be generalized and changed into something else so everyone can conform and be equal. 

I am all for everyone having their own rights and I am all for Canada excepting all these Immigrants. However, this issue is just a microcosm of a bigger problem. Everyone has their own right to celebrate or not to celebrate Christmas. I can remember all the way back about 10-12 years and I still can see TV commercials that ended with "Merry Christmas".

What happened in that time that has evolved Christmas to Xmas and just plain Happy Holidays?

Merry Birth-mas Terry and Deaner

Saturday, December 4, 2010

College Summary

I can't believe it is already December 4th. It felt like just yesterday that my mom and grandma moved me into Residence. However, it sees like forever since I have been in the confines of the one we call "Huron County". It has been refreshing to get out and do new things instead of the same old same old that back home offers. I still love calling HC home, but this is my home away from home. 

As I said, it is only December 4th of my first year at college and yet I have archives of memories. The things that have happened and things I have done or been involved with have been permanently burned into my memory. I can't believe that with only the short period of time I have been here, I have made so many memories. 
 From starting a line brawl in floor hockey, to learning proper presentation skills with a teacher who hosted a radio morning show to loving my program, I have done and seen so much.

Not only is the social aspect of SLC unreal, but I love my program. I have learned from industry leaders and directly from people who have worked or are currently working in the Marketing/Advertising field.

I am more than satisfied with my choice to come here and take this program. 

Since my first blog documenting my college life, I feel I have grown not only as a student but also a human being. I was comfortable with public speaking and meeting new people before I came here, but since I have been here, I have honed these skills. 

I have went from "Brandon Chaffe...207, live in the middle of nowhere and I am taking advertising..." to just plain...


Apparently, me being small, blonde and chirpy somehow draws a comparison to the BadNews Bears movie character "Timmy Lupis". 

I guess what I want to say can be summed up with some help from Asher Roth...

"I love college"

Thought Timeline

The keyboard was starring back at me. It was laughing and heckling me , err-king me to just start typing. However, I couldn't. It was a strange feeling I have not felt since doing my Gr 7 public speech on the NHL Awards. Thanks Mom. (You know what I mean!)
I had all sorts of ideas floating between my ears waiting to be put through the keyboard. I just couldn't write!
So, I came up with an idea. I left my blog open all day and made notes in my phone about all my noteworthy thoughts from yesterday. You know how you think of something for about 25 seconds then forget about it the very next minute? Well, from all my notes on my phone and the random stuff I thought about, I was stunned to see how the crazy the human mind works. Some of this stuff I have no idea how it popped into my head!
So, from start to finish, here was my noteworthy thoughts from December 3rd 2010:
(**needless to say, I had to do some screening on my thoughts for the reason know**)

10:37 AM-   How much hairspray was actually used in the 80's.. for both sexes?
10:52 AM-   Cucumber is dirty sounding word.
11:01 AM-   Did Super-Man have a brother? How many African-American super-heroes are there?
11:43 AM-   Who came up with the name "Gatorade"?
12:27 PM-    Snooze buttons may play a role in the demise of Civilization.You heard it here first.
12:44 PM-    Kingston weather blows....when will I see snow!!
1:02   PM-    Ritz crackers taste so good with apple juice.
1:33   PM-    Where exactly does the "Red fern Grow"?
1:59   PM-    China has 138 cities with a population between 1 and 2 million.
3:30   PM-    I have had re-occurring dreams on a plane. 
3:41   PM-   Staple companies got it made.
4:01   PM-   I think I would look pretty cool with a handle bar mustache.
4:16   PM-   What was Hextall thinking while he was filling Chelios' face in?
4:56   PM-    How many NHLers are booze-hounds.
5:23   PM-    Pretty sure Cafe food could strip paint off a car its so toxic.
6:01   PM-   Alex Trebek is Canada's secret weapon.
6:19   PM-   I hate Double Jeopardy's music.
8:00   PM-   Cat naps should be a class. I would ace it.
8:10   PM-   PBR + BeerPong= .......
8:39   PM-  I should have eaten more. Chicken burger burps taste similar to a dirty old sock.
9:00   PM-  Some girls can pull off a V-Neck, some can't, and some just shouldn't.
9:20   PM-  Since as far back I can remember, I always see 9:20 for some reason. Creepy....
9:46   PM-  When Beer pong makes you sweat, you are officially a college student... or out of shape??
10:00 PM-  If i could do any job, it would be a timekeeper for NHL.
10:17 PM-  What is a minyak...
10:45 PM-  Things are easier but yet harder when your drinking.
11:00 PM-   If you go to a dump, you'll come home with trash.
11:19 PM-   Its not a coincidence that she texted me right now.
12:00 PM-  Happy New Year!!! Joking, just practicing...
1:45   PM-  Particle board should not be used to stop hockey pucks. Thats what a little brother is for.
1:58   PM-  When will the folks replace the garage door?
2:31   PM-  Shoe laces are not just a hassle, but just generally constricting.

As you can see, my thoughts seem to bounce around from topic to topic and some are pretty out there.
Maybe I will answer some of these questions today because we all know:
"There is no such thing as a stupid question!"

Keep that in mind Terry and Deaner.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Hockey Heals

It could be on the pond, out in the drive way or in front of a roaring home crowd on Friday night. It could be an exhibition game , mini-sticks in the hotel hallway, on XBOX, Game 7 in triple O.T or just something to do. Hockey comes in all shapes and forms but no matter what form it is partaken in, it has the healing power that trumps any medicine.

I was feeling the groggy effects of the night prior which seen me go to bed around 3am. I was at the rink by 8 am and needless to say, I was in rough shape. The beer and garbage pizza were still heavy on my breath and I smelt like the business end of a skunk.

Walking onto the ice after struggling with the getting dressed part, I took one stride and POW... I was normal.
I fired the diskette and casually glided around the ice all the while grinning ear to ear and feeling like a million bucks.
I just love the game. It has a mysterious power over me to make the whole world disappear . It makes me only focus on beating the dust-bin wearing the Canadian Tire Bubble Special bucky with BOA skates on the point. Geeeezzz, one head fake and his ankeys are toast....


My pounding headache and my stale beer breath are non factors...
The five projects due next week are no longer on my mind...
What is going to happen after the game is no longer on my mind...
Surprisingly, that girl ....isn't on my mind.(But still kind of)....HAHA

All this is replaced with sick dangys and unreal toe-skis to be put before going top bunk on the tendy at the far end. 
I can't explain it but I would love to somehow...but can't. It happens every time. I love playing any form of puck. It doesn't have to be on ice. Playing road puck is often even more intense and fun than playing on ice. Even creating a GM Mode on NHL 10 has this effect. 
I honestly think I get a bigger and better kick out of the feeling of just playing puck than the actual game. It's hard to explain... 
Nonetheless, hockey heals...